Co-founder and CTO at CAST AI. Formerly Vice President of Security Products OCI at Oracle, Leon’s professional experience spans across tech companies such as IBM, Truition, and HostedPCI. He founded and served as the CTO of Zenedge, an enterprise security company protecting large enterprises with a cloud WAF. Leon has 20+ years of experience in product management, software design, and development, all the way through to production deployment. He is an authority on cloud computing, web application security and Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), e-commerce, and web application architecture.
Michael and Leon cover so many topics quickly. The current security landscape and what companies can do to protect themselves. They address cloud and security of that technology.
Leon and Michael talk about Cast AI and how it can cut your cloud hosting bill. How you can easily see the savings in 5 minutes!
The book Leon mentions is here:
The social hacking video Leon references is here: