Dennis is an Author, speaker, business/athletic coach. 20 yr. Air Force command pilot LtCol and 28 yr. major airline captain. Certified Power of Positive Leadership Jon Gordon trainer and attended numerous Air Force leadership schools. Keynote speaker addressing Positive Leadership and Transformational Conversations, Walk the Talk, Instant Influencer. Author of Takes More Than Heart, a personal story about changing challenges into opportunities. Next book project title: Be A Bean – Change Team Culture from Ordinary Water to Gourmet Coffee - 7 Secrets to Engage Your Team, Retain Talent and Double Your Profit.
Dennis shares his personal journey and the lessons as he learned. He lays down the 4C's of leadership and speaks about the importance of culture. Relationships are absolutely key and the importance of a team identity is critical.
Dennis helps companies through and his story is available at
#leadership #culture #beabean